Become a Soul Signatures® Ambassador
Align with Soul through Soul Signatures® &
Transform your understanding of yourself & your potential
Deepen your self connection & soul alignment
Change your Life
Become who you know you were always meant to be
The Soul Signatures® Ambassador Certification will teach you everything you need to know about understanding and working with Soul Signatures® to transform your perception and awareness of yourself and to change your life.
And, it will teach you everything you need to know to deliver sessions and work with Soul Signatures® to help, support and empower others!
Not only will you transform who you believe yourself to be, deepen your intuition and radically align to your deeper self and soul, you'll learn everything you need to add Soul Signatures® to your business, enabling you to facilitate transformation for others.
Over 6 months, with weekly calls, you'll dive into every aspect of what Soul Signatures® are, how to work with them and use them to align to soul expression.
Not only that - you'll receive monthly group coaching with our amazing coach and you'll receive monthly 1:1 calls with Nicola
We'll work with YOU first so you embody the Signatures® because that is what creates transformation and alignment.
Then you'll develop your framework for them, deepening your intuitive awareness of the Signatures, gaining clarity in, and insight about, their subtler nuances; building an understanding in a wider context so that you can share them with your clients - with confidence and assurance.
Become A Soul Signatures® Ambassador
Become who you were always meant to be
and then help others to do that too!
Join the Waitlist!
Understanding, aligning and integrating your Soul Signatures® supports clarity and confidence in all areas of life and supports a deeper, more certain connection with yourself and with soul
It's time to change our perception of what soul is - for it to be relatable and to be able to work with it more tangibly, and with greater understanding.
Please enter your details below to be added to the wait list for information about the Soul Signatures® Ambassador Programme
Certification starts in March; registration opens shortly!
© Copyrights by Nicola Tonsager. All Rights Reseved.